I was going to write a post about a whole different thing (me, obviously) but I just found out about this from Twitter.
Er, I don't think so.. I ain't wearing no purple today!
First of all, let me get one thing straight, I don't and have never cared what lesbians/gays do. It's their life and I'm not to decide how they live it. But what I can't understand are those here who are actually supporting them.
Excuse me? Since when is homosexuality acceptable here? It is not only a social/tradition/culture, etc etc matter. It is forbidden in our religion! Villages were destructed because of this particular reason (here or here). So if it was mentioned in Quran how people were badly tortured because they had done a huge sin, shouldn't we at least not accept it? Who are we to go against that?
And don't let me even begin on our society views on this matter.. I'm sure we're all aware of those.
So no, we don't have to try and be "open-minded" when an issue crosses the line. And this is one big FAT red line lying there for everyone to see. And believe me, this is coming from someone who's been always seen as the most understanding. But not this, this is wrong on sooo many levels.
I'm not pulling a holier-than-thou attitude. I'm not telling you to go and "bully" the next gay you see. All I'm saying is this is not for us to accept and see as normal. Because it isn't.
Good post. I find it very surprising that people are actually supporting these kinds of initiatives. I can't think of any reason, other than sheer naive stupidity, that would make people think being "homo" is okay and should be accepted.
Very sad that people don't even bother to think of the after effects.
Your very correct in saying what you have said but again also I believe that people do not choose to be gay but are gay and it is all in their mindset of what to do next. this is their big test. to stay single and live as normal a life as they can or to go out and do what shouldnt be done.
Yes, the least we can do is not accepting such an awful awful act.
well said!
personally ,I don't accept homosexuality,But I do respect them yes and no one has the right to bully/kill or disrespect them .
Great post Hind. I couldn't agree more. But let's not forget to respect those people without judging their sexuality.
Well said.
From my understand, even thou they dont choose to be gay or whatever, just supporting a cause because everyone else is doing it is stupid.
No one has the right to bully anyone but still .. the world aint perfect!
I think there are two levels to this.
the first is to support their sexuality, and the second is to be against them being bullied and abused.
Bullying is a serious problem in the world, it opens the doors for a life time of mental problems, social awkwardness, and takes away confidence, leads to depression, and recently suicide rates have skyrocketed among teenagers who were subject to bullying.
The purple campaign was definitely blown out of proportion, for many it was a way to express that they were not willing to accept bullying of any form, towards any kind of human being.
But when it comes to sexuality, well, you made it very clear in your post :D
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