Friday, September 3, 2010

why phones should be kept out of my reach

A friend called tonight to invite me to her wedding. Was I the oh-so-sophisticated person and did I say what I should've said? Of course not, quite the opposite actually. Thank God she was obviously in a hurry and needed to hang up.

Two minutes later I called another friend whose mom passed away a few days ago, Allah yr7amha o y'3ferlaha o y9abberhom. Yet again, I failed miserably. There were long awkward pauses, unnecessary questions, and - shoot me now- chuckles. I blurted out things I'm not proud of and, even worse, I couldn't end the call fast enough. I'd totally understand if she didn't want to talk to me anymore....

This has got to stop! It is not funny anymore. I'm TWENTY TWO (where's the underline button?) for crying out loud! When will I learn at least how to bluff? When I'm 30?

Mom should pay more attention to me and teach me instead of simply saying "you watch too much American TV".

Now you know the reason behind the quote in my bio.


Ahmed said...

I used to suffer from situations like these. The more you do social obligation the the better you will become :p

Fadiosis said...

i'm still suffering from this thing u just mentioned. and i've always hated these long pauses!! and sad to say, few friendships were ruined because of the 'lack' of talking :p.. *sounds like spouses faj2a!!!*

anyhow, just wanted to say u're not alone ♥

doona said...

im like that too!! :(

mom says the same thing as well ;p

Farah said...

I used to be a person who knew how to bluff.. now I'm in a similar situation as u.. I began paying attention to my mother and expert friends and saying the same things :P

There should totally be a manual for people like us that goes : "Say the following in the appropriate situation" !

Smart CoOKie said...

Same here. And to avoid such awkward situations, I started asking mom and some friends of what should I say, write it down, rehearse it and then execute the phone call as quick as possible. And it works. :P

Standy said...

looool.. same here.. 3ad to make it worse, sometimes i laugh out loud on something said and they will go like "its not funny"

DAMN! i need to learn how to talk!

Anonymous said...

Ahmed - I think to be safe I should stick to nodding and smiling and mumbling :D

Fadiosis - My friends get me, I don't have to be anything around them. But the problem is when I'm speaking to people I'm not very close to. It gets embarrassing.

Doona - lol they should hand us manuals not make fun of us!

Farah - I try to repeat what Mama and sisters say but I can't :/ my tongue gets tied!


Standy - yeah... the laughing... *sigh*

Shadow said...

yeah, been there :\
I don't like such socially-awkward moments, and it gets more difficult when you have to master them in a different language too!
So confusing

Reem Aw said...

LOL! Oh my god if I could copy and paste this post of yours as one of mines.. Typical me!!!!! Especially the "long awkward pauses, unnecessary questions"
And I'd always be hoping with all my might that the person is busy and needs to hang up to end my misery of incompetence faster :X Very frustrating :(

Reem Aw said...

LOL! Oh my god if I could copy and paste this post of yours as one of mines.. Typical me!!!!! Especially the "long awkward pauses, unnecessary questions"
And I'd always be hoping with all my might that the person is busy and needs to hang up to end my misery of incompetence faster :X Very frustrating :(

Unknown said...

lol!! I now think twice before calling anyone to congratulate them on anything... I sit down.. think of every word I'm going to say.. ask around if I don't know the common sayings for the occasion (e.g. new born... I NEVER remember that one) ...
So yea... you're not alone.. I think your mom has a point there, in our heads we have to cultures clashing or something?