Friday, June 11, 2010

let's talk babies

What does going out with my pregnant sister mean:

  • Lunch takes double the time it usually takes.

  • I carry all her bags.

  • When we enter a non-maternity shop she looks for the first thing to sit on which makes me feel sorry for her and decide to leave the shop.

  • I wait in queues for her.

  • She picks, I pay. Therefore I have to keep her credit card with me.

  • Coffee break also takes double the time it usually takes.
  • Craving chocolate all of a sudden and stopping at Patchi to get half a kg of chocolate.

  • She's no longer interested in pretty things. Only huge or tiny pretty things.

And yet, I do all of the above things willingly, happily, and without complaining. I love her unborn baby way. too. much. Plus the maternity and baby shops are soooo cute! You can't help awwww-ing all the way.


rencontrer Pauline said...

Never had that kind of experience :p

Amalia said...

Awwww Layol <3
so so cute

Faith said...

Aww thats so cute!

Raisa said...

Next January, I'll be an aunt for the 10th times. It never gets old :]

congratulations to your sister, and you aunt-to-be

MyHeartHasBlurted said...

cute :')
Hope everythg goes fine with her, and be patient *hugz*

Fajorie™ said...

awwww that was super cute and sweet of you sweetness ;*

Anonymous said...

Inshallah soon ;P

Right? :D

It is :") Thanks!

Mashallah! 3ogbal my 10th nephew/niece. <3
Thanks and congratulations to you as well ;*

Trying to be, lol. Thanks!

Thank you! I get carried away a lot, lol.

chocolate said...

i think this's the cutest post :)