Thursday, June 18, 2009

Hind became a fan of...

It was our Forensic midterm yesterday, and yeah, it was a party (i.e. 7afla, not so good :p)

Forensic medicine is verrryyy interesting, at least it's supposed to be. It's about the different causes of death and how we can tell how or what a person died of by looking and examining their body. Remember Pathology the movie? Yes, it's like that. Except we don't go around killing innocent people as a challenge - for one reason, we're still not experts :p we also don't get to go to the morgue (bummer), and well, we don't work with Milo (bigger bummer)!

But as any remotely interesting subject they have to take the fun out of it. The lectures are booooring, the exams are difficult, and the notes.. well those are something else. Too much information, too many details.. They make you hate the subject and hate that you hate it because you're not supposed to, you know?

Has anyone noticed how everyone is becoming a fan of umm weird things on facebook? I mean how can you be a fan of "Mali 5elg", "My father is the best", "Let me sleep 5 more minutes", "I hate liars" or "I don't sleep enough because I stay up late for no reason"?!
You can't be a fan of this kind of thing.. it's like a statement or something you like to do.. It's not a person, product, a movie, a place or anything you can be a fan of!

Yes, apparently there are people who are fans of breathing.. Unbelievable! :-O

Have a laaafly weekend everyone and please don't be a fan of stupid things :p