Thursday, May 14, 2009

“i think fish is nice, but then i think that rain is wet, so who am i to judge?”

Last night I was eating out with my aunt. There was this family; a couple with their little kid. The man was sitting the whole time while the wife kept going back and forth to pay and get the takeaways and all that.

6ab3an being the secretly unapologetic criticizers we are, we frowned and said things o ketha (to each other, not to them) *puppy eyes*
Y3ny if I was married I wouldn't want to do this stuff, he should do it. Actually, he should do everything and treat me like a spoiled queen, right?

But anyway, when they got up to leave, the husband walked with a limp.
He had a limp and that's why he couldn't get up.
Imagine how I felt.. I hated myself. I wanted to cry out of self-hate (I tend to do that :p). I'd been mean and cruel with my thoughts!

So I decided next time someone does something heinous, I won't judge. I won't think bad, I'll just try and think of a good explanation o bss!

I still feel bad for thinking that way. Uff..