I was tagged by His Sweetheart and Bliss (thanks guys) to post 10 honest things about me and then tag seven other bloggers.
That's really hard, a7ss 5ala9 there's nothing left about me that's not already mentioned somewhere here.. But as the tag rules instruct, I'll try to dig deep, and here goes..
1. Texting is a vital process to me. I have a human diary to fill in!
2. Anyhing can upset me. One minute I'm perky and happy and the next I'm surrounded by a black halo of gloominess. Bipolar disorder? :p
3. Ted from How I Met Your Mother is the male version of me. It's freaky!
4. I often ask a question and not pay attention to the answer so I end up asking it one more time.. I always get "but I just told you!". Well it's not my fault I tend to space out alot faj2a!
5. I get carried away. Always, always, always. I get myself and other people into trouble because of this :\
6. I have many bookmarks but I don't use them. Folding the corner of the page is more convenient ;p
7. If it's not Dettol or Lifebuoy then it's not soap.
8. I love to ignore show-offs and look-at-me people and not give them the attention they want :D
9. Though I'm a whiney person who loves to complain a lot, I'm very optimistic and positive. There's a bright side to everything, and there's always light at the end of the tunnel.
10. I believe in signs.
Now I tag, Faten, Salma, Noufa, Farah, Gloomy, Retro Mai and Amal!
Phewww.. this took days :s though I can see how lousy my deep digging turned out :D
why do you fold when you already have a book mark?! folding the corner of the page is just insane..
you are germophobic.
i diagnosed myself having bipolar disease a while ago, i get all excited & thrilled, the next minute -for the same reason- I get upset & gloomy.
thanx for sharing that, not doing the tag though !
missed the happy face !
i think that i’m going 2 tag myself :P
loved ur blog banner ;)
#2,4,7 same here. I've too many bookmarks. I need to clean it. Nice tag :D
lol, took days ha?
I wouldn't mind reading these tags of yours, maybe next time you can even dig deeper :p
well, it's good to see a Pinkish update,
~ see ya.
hi pinko,
LOL @ #8 you rock :D
#6 whyyyy?
i've folded so many times in the book, so when i came back reading, i dont know which fold should i continue from :D,so many folds lol, so see this book sign,one of ma frinds who is very talented in using photoshop,she gave me this book sign as a souvnire
see the link;
my favourite book sign is the above one plus the italy falg book sign
i taked too much @_@
LOL @ 8, well they deserved.
# 9 is so true. There is always a bright side =)
#10 I believe in sign too =P
oh I always thought Ted was sweet and lately .. cute too :P
I always thought robin was a copy of me :P
@ 2-8-9 i thought u was talking about me
but hey, u don't know me well. so i guess it'd Us
lol at number 7! =p what about dove ? i love dove =p
and im sooooooo a number 4 =p
lol ur like...the female version of ME.. except im female too :P i guess that just means ur the younger? cooler? sexier? - version of me :P esp numbers...all of them wallah! are u a saggittarius by any chance? :P
4 - goddddd!! why do you ask at the first place, lol mn jd 39bt
gee i wonder what would i write after that 50 things tag :s
#3 i think that marshal is my male version ..lol
#6 i don't understand it .. why folding the paper if you have a bookmark!
hahaha>>> the saylim laugh..thanx this is my first tag..
If you haven't noticed, folding the page takes less time and effort :D
I knew you wouldn't :p I was just teasing you lol.
Thank you :D
Thanks :D bookmarks are made to be collected, not used 8-)
I've been too busy and exhausted.. everyday I'd write couple of things and then continue writing a day or two later lol.
See you around!
Venus aka Candy,
LOL start reading from the last fold ;p
They so do!
He is! And I like Robin when she goes crazy!
Libero Anima,
I love Dove soap and all Dove products but not when I want to have clean germ-free hands. A7ss all it does is moisturizing.
Aww lol no too bad I'm a pisces.
Thanks :D :D
LOL it's a habit of my brain. Not mine! 8-)
Yeah I figured those whom I tagged would like more even more now :D
Marshall is hilarious! :D
Refer to my reply to Faten's comment ;p
Missed ya
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loooool... how you totally phase out when ppl ask you questions then you have to ask again... lol, i get that a lot... im sorta A.D.D.
its funny
i hate repeating things twice :P bas i ended up with a friend that way n now im im used to it ! awal shay 3abale she does it on purpose bas then miskeena she expalined ina she doesnt mean to 3ala goalt`ha it just happens ;p
Thanks :D missed you too!
LOL it is!
Haha poor thing (your friend), I totally get her :|
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